Small and Midsize Group Finder

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Group Finder

Sat 10:00 AM
Women's 30s(ish) Coffee!
Let's get coffee! If you are a woman in your 30s(ish) and you want to have more community with others (while also not spending a lot of time and energy on another "thing") this ...
Sat 11:00 AM
Everyone Welcome April "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" One Hope
Join us on April 12 from 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM as we support One Hope Tulsa host "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood". We will help connect with neighborhood families and mingle a...
Tue 4:00 PM
Everyone Welcome BA Homework Helpers
Starting this fall, we are going to be partnering with Broken Arrow Public Schools to provide homework help (and a tasty snack) to a few selected students who could use some ext...
Tue 6:00 PM
Everyone Welcome BA Jonah Bible Study
COTMU Bible Studies are active learning environments where students are given tools to help them read their Bible and understand its meaning, as well as a community where they c...
Sat 10:00 AM
Everyone Welcome Blankets with a Purpose
We gather every other month (on the first Saturday from 10 AM - 12:30 to make hand-made fleece tied blankets, particularly for children. We also collect and donate much needed r...
Mon 5:30 PM
Shared Interest Board Gamers
Join us in the red room the 2nd Monday of each month for games, snacks, and fellowship! This group is for anyone who enjoys playing all sorts of games- classics, cooperative, ca...
Sun 1:00 PM
Everyone Welcome Bountiful Blessings - Care Meals for Those in Need
"When God's people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality." Romans 12:13 Did God gift you with Hospitality? Do you have the heart to help t...
Sat 9:00 AM
Shared Interest Christ, Crafts, and Coffee!
Whether you’re a beginner crocheter or an expert knitter, painter, or clay artist, let’s craft together! Bring your project, we’ll chat, and have fellowship at various coffee sh...
Wed 7:00 PM
Everyone Welcome Comunidad en Español
Este grupo en español conecta a las familias y a las personas con el verdadero Jesucristo a través de compartir la vida con nuevas amistades, una comunidad de unidad y el estudi...
Sun 10:00 AM
Everyone Welcome COTMU Frameworks - Discovering the Big Story of Scripture
We all want to grow as "Bible people" and know our foundation story. Yet, for many of us, the way we have experienced our Bible has left much of its story in pieces. We all begi...
Wed 7:00 PM
Everyone Welcome COTMU Frameworks: Discovering the Big Story of Scripture
We all want to grow as "Bible people" and know our foundation story. Yet, for many of us, the way we have experienced our Bible has left much of its story in pieces. We all begi...
Tue 6:30 PM
Married Couples Dinner!
Bring your boo and come explore different restaurants in the Tulsa area with us! My husband Brady and I are in our 30's, have a two year old and one on the way. We love trying n...
Wed 6:30 PM
Women's Determined Daughters
This is a group for all women. We are an ongoing group. Typically, we meet in a home in Jenks/Bixby area, but have decided to do a virtual study for our winter study beginning...
Wed 7:00 PM
Shared Interest Divorce Care
This group is designed to offer healing for individuals who have gone or are going through a divorce. Preferred that individuals are not currently dating. Walking with Jesus can...
Tue 6:00 PM
Men's Elder Brotherhood
Elder men, 60 and up, retired or about to retire, married or single, looking for a like-minded community. A community of elder men looking for answers to age related questions; ...
Sat 6:00 PM
Young Adults Explore Tulsa
This is a co-ed group for ages 25-35 (single or married) looking to build a like minded community with people walking through similar stages of life. What better way to build co...
Tue 6:00 PM
Everyone Welcome Financial Peace University - BA
Does the thought of opening your mailbox/inbox for fear of not being able to pay a bill stress you out? Is your biggest struggle the fact that your money just doesn’t do as much...
Mon 6:30 PM
Everyone Welcome Finding Hope
Our small group is for parents, friends or any relatives of addicts. Any form of addiction.
Sat 9:30 AM
Women's Flourish Daughters for Widows
Flourish is a group women from all ages and stages of life who share the unique role of being a widow. We gather monthly for a time of conversation and fellowship; sometimes we ...
Sat 9:00 AM
Women's Flourish Widows Group at West
We are a community of Daughters that are Widows of all different stages. Our goal is to encourage each other, challenge each other, and help each other walk in freedom of our Go...
Thu 5:00 PM
Everyone Welcome Food Share Outreach
Do you love serving others? Join us for food distribution happening every month at Praise Christian Faith Center, 4748 S. 31st W. Ave., Tulsa. COTMW has partnered with this mini...
Sat 10:00 AM
Everyone Welcome Fostering Connections
On the first Saturday of the month (holidays pending), we help Fostering Connections with various projects that need help at their site. This will include things like sorting, o...
Mon 6:30 PM
Women's Free to Wonder Wellness/ Fitness
Hey Friend! I’m glad you clicked on our group! My name is Carrie Jones. I’m a Certified Revelation Wellness Instructor and the Founder of Free to Wonder Wellness. We start a new...
Tue 6:30 PM
Men's Freedom Fight
A study of the Freedom Fight curriculum for men seeking purity and God's truth about their lives and breaking the hold of pornography and lust in their lives. God has a plan and...
Sun 6:30 AM
Young Adults Friends to do life with
This is a co-ed group for young adults 22-35 (single, dating, or married) who are looking to develop meaningful friendships with like-minded people and grow in their faith toget...
Thu 6:00 PM
Men's Guys, Guns and God - BA
This is a group of men who love God, have an interest in firearms and see the value in supporting each other. We will typically meet together in a meeting room at a local gun ra...
Thu 6:00 PM
Men's Guys, Guns and God - West
This is a group of men who love God, have an interest in firearms and see the value in supporting each other. We will typically meet together in a meeting room at a local gun r...
Sat 7:00 PM
Young Adults Hampton - YA Dinner Party
Hi! We host a dinner party once a month for people at YA, ages 18-29. We would love to have you join us for dinner and connecting in community. Feel free to reach out for detail...
Thu 9:00 AM
Shared Interest Healing Quilts Ministry
We are a ministry that makes children's quilts for local children who are hospitalized or traumatized by abuse. We gather with our sewing machines to spend the day making quilts...
Sat 8:00 AM
Men's Homeless Street Ministry
Come join FreedomTruth Street ministry as we minister to the homeless population in downtown Tulsa! We meet every Saturday @ 8:00 AM (weather permitting) at 500 W Archer St in ...
Thu 6:30 PM
Everyone Welcome Hope After Loss
Losing a loved one to addiction brings a range of emotions from shame to regret to agonizing sorrow. Hope After Loss helps people process their emotions to move forward on the j...
Sun 11:30 AM
Married How To Be Married
Marriage isn't easy. But as a gift from God serves as an opportunity to draw closer to him while drawing nearer to our spouse. When it gets challenging, we don't have to face it...
Sun 3:00 PM
Men's Jesus and Jiu Jitsu
We will meet weekly and start with grappling instruction, techniques will focus on wrestling and jiu jitsu. Format will be 5 min warm up, 10-15 min of drilling, 30-45 min of liv...
Thu 7:00 PM
Married Jesus The King - Meerholz
Join us, with other married couples, as we walk through Tim Keller's powerful book of the life of Jesus as told through the Gospel of Mark. This study will help you gain new ins...
Thu 7:45 AM
Men's Jesus the King - Men’s Group
This Mens group will go through Tim Keller's powerful book of the life of Jesus as told through the Gospel of Mark. This study will help you gain new insights into Jesus who cam...
Tue 7:00 PM
Men's Katharos
Sexual temptation and sin destroys men's lives daily in our culture. It ruins marriages, warps our view of sexuality, and prevents us from living to the fullest as sons of God. ...
Tue 12:00 PM
Everyone Welcome Kerr Elementary Test Monitors April 15, 12:00 PM-2:00 PM
Kerr Elem is a partner school with us and they offer several ways to be involved with school year activities. The faculty works hard to serve many neighboring families, and they...
Tue 9:00 AM
Everyone Welcome Kerr Elementary Test Monitors April 15, 9:00 AM-11:00AM
Kerr Elem is a partner school with us and they offer several ways to be involved with school year activities. The faculty works hard to serve many neighboring families, and they...
Thu 11:30 AM
Shared Interest Kingdom Business Leaders
We meet every other Thursday from 11:30-12:30 on the COTM campus in the Red Room. Come join those who want to grow spiritually in leadership and have a Kingdom impact through yo...
Tue 6:30 PM
Everyone Welcome Life In The Spirit - West (April 22-May 13)
When Jesus sent his disciples the Holy Spirit, he fully expected them to operate in the same power, gifting, and access to the Father that he did. This sounds good on paper, but...
Tue 6:30 PM
Married Live, Laugh, Leupen
Married couples (and kiddos) welcome! We’re Chuck & Jamie Leupen and we live in midtown Tulsa with the cutest 2 year old girl ever! (Totally not biased). We want to welcome yo...
Sat 8:50 AM
Everyone Welcome Loaves & Fishes - BA
This is an outreach group that meets on the third Saturday of the month. The Mission: Feeding the Spirit, Soul & Body of the Elderly, Disabled & Working Poor. We will be serving...
Sat 9:00 AM
Everyone Welcome Loaves & Fishes - Tulsa
This is an outreach group that meets on the third Saturday of the month. The Mission: Feeding the Spirit, Soul & Body of the Elderly, Disabled & Working Poor. We will be serving...
Sat 7:00 AM
Men's MAJOR Men - BA
Men And Jesus Outreach Repair - We are currently meeting every other Saturday morning for breakfast and discussion of a bible chapter or a book. We also do approximately one pro...
Sat 7:00 AM
Men's MAJOR Men - Tulsa
Men And Jesus Outreach Repair - We are currently meeting every other Saturday morning for breakfast and discussion of a bible chapter or a book. We also do approximately one pro...
Sun 12:00 PM
Everyone Welcome Meal Trains "r" Us!
Do you have a heart to help those in need by providing a meal? Possibly recovering from a surgery, being a new mom & dad, losing a job, etc. We want to be like the little boy ...
Mon 6:00 PM
Men's Men On The Move
We are a community where men can come as they are, without the need to pretend or wear masks. We aim to create a safe and welcoming space where men can grow into purpose driven ...
Tue 7:30 PM
Men's Men's Business Small Group
Our focus is Business and how God can work through business ownership. We know that God has no problem with "profit" as long as we make the money in His way. There is an empha...
Thu 7:00 PM
Men's Mighty Oaks
This is an active group for veterans and first responders/leo’s. Come find out how the Mighty Oaks program changed my life and the lives of others. Addressing our trauma and ...
Mon 6:30 PM
Men's Mighty Oaks - Outpost
This group is for veterans and first responders only. Outpost is a place where Brotherhood will take place, and where men can be authentic, truthful, and real in our daily journ...
Tue 6:00 PM
Everyone Welcome Multi-generational small group
Hello my name is Courtney. My husband Michael and I will be leading this small group through October! This is a multi-generational family style group. We are welcoming people of...
Thu 6:00 AM
Everyone Welcome Prayer
Twice a month we will gather to pray together on the Tulsa Campus in the baptism room. Our time will be grounded in Scripture and we will spend time praying individually and cor...
Wed 7:00 PM
Tue 6:00 PM
Married Re|engage Spring 2025 - BA
Re|engage is a marriage ministry designed to fashion couples into better disciples of Jesus Christ. We believe as our hearts better align with God’s plan and desire for our live...
Tue 6:45 PM
Men's Rick Amilian’s Group
We’re guys that meet up on Tuesdays for bible study and fellowship.
Thu 3:00 PM
Shared Interest RV and Tenters Small Group
Want to meet at a beautiful lake, camp with friends, share and pray for one another while enjoying the great outdoors? We plan to meet at designated lakes and State Parks in Okl...
Thu 6:30 PM
Men's S.C.U.B.A. - Serious Christians Understanding Biblical Applications
A Bible study small group for men focusing on studying, understanding and applying what the Bible says about being better disciples, leaders, husbands and generally better Chris...
Sat 9:00 AM
Everyone Welcome Serving Our Seniors (S.O.S.)
This is a service based outreach group that is made to love and serve our Seniors and responds whenever our Seniors send out an "SOS" for assistance of any kind. A request might...
Sat 1:45 PM
Women's Soaring Solo Aerialists
Welcome to Soaring Solo - A group for Single Mamas held at Tribe Circus Arts! Led by Jillian, a single mama of six boys, this vibrant community is dedicated to creating connecti...
Sun 4:00 PM
Women's Solo Mama Connection
If life didn't quite turn out as you imagined and you've found yourself momming on your own, you're not alone! The goal of this group is to cultivate friendship, support, and c...
Sat 4:30 PM
Women's Solo Moms
Are you a single mom looking for community? Then this group is for you! We're excited to officially launch our Solo Mom's group at West! This group is about finding community wi...
Sat 9:00 AM
Everyone Welcome SOS Game Day
Bring your favorite games and come join us in the COTM BA lobby for a morning of fun, food, and friends. A light breakfast will be provided.
Mon 6:30 PM
Everyone Welcome The Bible
A Bible study that uses different form of study to dive deep into the word of God and our relationship with Christ. We use study methods such as read and discuss, pod cast, vlog...
Wed 6:30 PM
Everyone Welcome The Coming Resurections
We are a Home Small group who love to fellowship, encourage one another and study the Bible together. Group ages range from 50's to 90's. We meet in our Owasso Home, usually f...
Sat 9:00 AM
Everyone Welcome The Spring Outreach
The Spring Shelter is Oklahoma's only certified faith-based shelter that provides safety and services to victims and their children of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalkin...
Tue 7:00 PM
Men's The Standard
Our group is designed to equip men to represent the standard that God has called them to live by. We will be going through different books starting with No More Excuses by Tony ...
Sat 7:00 PM
Young Adults Villarreal YA Dinner Party
Once a month, we gather in our home and host a YA dinner party for young adults ages 18-29. Our group is a mix of single, engaged and married people. Our heart is discipleship a...
Wed 6:30 PM
Everyone Welcome W.O.W Way out West
We are here to get real. We don't always find answers, but we know where to start looking.
Wed 9:00 AM
Women's Walkers
This Small Group was started to have a place where we can gather and exercise our bodies and lift each other up. We will meet EVERY Wednesday (weather permitting) at 9:00 a.m. a...
Tue 9:00 AM
Women's West Mom’s group and Story Time with Mrs.Kathy
If you’re a stay at home, homeschooling, work from home, or part time working mom, you’re welcome to join other moms from West as we meet together once a month for our kids to p...
Tue 6:30 PM
Everyone Welcome West Philippians Bible Study
The Bible was meant to be read and enjoyed in community! Through our study of the book of Philippians, you will not only grow as a student of the Word, but begin to see your sto...
Fri 6:30 PM
Women's Wilderness Women
God is always doing a new thing! Isaiah 43:19 says He makes "a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert"...the wilderness is a place of intense experiences - need for foo...
Sun 6:00 PM
Married Young Married
Are you Newlywed or have been Married a few years and are looking for community and encouragement? We are Nic and Mika Decker, who moved from OKC to Tulsa 10 years ago to be pla...
Wed 6:30 PM
Everyone Welcome Youth Parent Group
This group is for Parents of Teenagers. We meet once a month on Wednesday nights while our students are at Oneighty Broken Arrow. There is free dinner and childcare for those wh...